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A Perfect Pear

One would think "A Perfect Pear" means something else but, nope, this Napa Valley, CA, company makes a line of pear-based jams and jellies that is sold in 650 stores.

The entrepreneur that started A Perfect Pear invested $800,000 into the business but, thus far in its lifetime, it has only made $750,000 in sales. The business is looking for a shark because it had $100,000 worth of purchase orders that it could not fulfill with its current cashflow.

Proving once again that unfulfilled purchase orders is the way to a shark's heart, Kevin Harrington and Robert Herjavec team up and grab half the business for just $500,000, effectively taking a bite of $2,333,333 off its, admittedly, high valuation.


A little later in the same season, A Perfect Pear was featured in an update. The entrepreneur says that since appearing on Shark Tank, the sales have skyrocketed. A Perfect Pear sold 16,000 units of product in a single day. Before appearing, A Perfect Pear made approximately $8,000 in sales a month but that has now risen ten-fold to $80,000 a month. Additionally, A Perfect Pear has been featured on the Home Shopping Network.

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This page was last edited on 13 October 2020, at 11:15.