No Deal

World Record Striper Company

A Longford, CT, company founded by a record holding fisherman that makes patented rattle based fishing lures.

The company makes their own shaker bait to lure fish in. Founder reeled in a record striped bass at 81.8 pounds. He claims to holds three other world records. The company started selling the product 3 years before. The company has patent pending and a trademark.

The deal aired on Episode 6.26.

Making A Deal

Seeing it as a fit with another company that he owns, Mark Cuban offered $80,000 in return for a 33% stake in the company, representing a valuation bite of $132,575 despite offering $5,000 more than the asking amount because of the larger equity stake.

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This page was last edited on 3 December 2018, at 12:00.