A template to add details about a recently aired episode.
- Title
- CompanyOne
- CompanyOneDeal - true, false, buyout
- SummaryOne
- CategoryOneOne
- CategoryOneTwo
- CategoryOneThree
- CompanyTwo
- CompanyTwoDeal - true, false, buyout
- SummaryTwo
- CategoryTwoOne
- CategoryTwoTwo
- CategoryTwoThree
- CompanyThree
- CompanyThreeDeal - true, false, buyout
- SummaryThree
- CategoryThreeOne
- CategoryThreeTwo
- CategoryThreeThree
- CompanyFour
- CompanyFourDeal - true, false, buyout
- SummaryFour
- CategoryFourOne
- CategoryFourTwo
- CategoryFourThree

A company that has made pro-biotic drinks more palatable than just taking a swig of apple cider vinegar.

A company that has made pro-biotic drinks more palatable than just taking a swig of apple cider vinegar.