Episode 10.18

No Deal snipeNuchas

A company by a South American Entrepreneur that wants to bring better empanadas to the United States.

No Deal snipeHaven

In the midst of one of the lowest crime periods within the United States, people still feel like they need more and more home security. This product is there to help people spend their money.

Deal snipeKanga

Three bros who have figured out how to keep your beverage, like, cold... man.

Deal snipeCertifiKID

A site to offer discount kids activities.

This episode featured the typical four new deals for the Sharks to consider. In addition, it featured an updated on The Eggmazing Egg Decorator a deal Lori Greiner made back in season nine.

This deal originally aired on April 7th, 2019.

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This page was last edited on 28 January 2020, at 15:21.