No Deal

MC Squares

We're still working up our take on this deal. (Sometimes it takes us a little bit.) However, you might find our quick take interesting in the meantime. Check back when we've updated this deal to see all of our thoughts.

MC Squares is a company out of Denver, CO, that makes dry erase boards and reusable sticky notes that are intended to reduce waste and bring a new kind of participation to meetings.

The entrepreneur admitted that he's not the most organized guy in the world and, it looked for a second, like that might torpedo his deal until he admitted that he hires organized people to surround him.

Still, only Mr. Wonderful made an offer, an offer that bit over half the value of his company. But the entrepreneur accepted and made a deal, something no other company would do this episode

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This page was last edited on 15 May 2020, at 09:21.